"Promote, Enable, and Strengthen Scouting
in the Northshore Community
over Generations"

Mission Statement of the "Concerned Northshore Parents for Scouting" (CNPS)

Concerned Northshore Parents for Scouting group is the chartered organization for the Scouts BSA Troop 604, and the Troop 909 Scouts BSA Troops and Venturing Crew
(and formerly Cub Scout Pack 582, Cub Scout Pack 622 and Scouts BSA Troops 0582/8582).

We serve the "North Shore" of Lake Washington, as part of the Northern Trails District in the Chief Seattle Council of the Boy Scouts of America which is a member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM).

We are a a 501(c)3 not for profit charity organization, working to make a better community.