Employer Matching

Many companies have a program where they will match the charitable contributions of their employees. These programs typically require that the charity meet some specific requirements which may differ between companies. The primary requirement is typically that the organization be a recognized not for profit charity. The CNPS organization is recognized by the state and federal governments as a 501(c)(3) not for profit charitable organization.

Check to see if the organization is already your employer’s system, it should appear by the formal name “Concerned Northshore Parents for Scouting”, or used the EIN below.

If it is not in the system yet, it is usually pretty simple to set it up. The first step in the process is usually to provide some information about the charity in order to register it. We’ve provided that information below:

Mailing Address:
Concerned Northshore Parents for Scouting
6830 NE Bothell Way Ste. C
Kenmore, WA 98028-3546

Organization Tax Status: 501(c)(3)

EIN: (Employer Identification Number)

General email contact: Info@NSScouts.Org

President: Mr. Rich Wilkens

Organization Mission: “Promote, Enable, and Strengthen Scouting in the Northshore Community over Generations”